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Gamble Rogers Middle School Building
Students use Clever to access Schoology, Office 365, and other links for students. For online textbooks, students in grades 6-8 use Schoology.

School Hours
7:30am – 1:50pm

Office Hours
7:00am – 2:50pm

Check out the weekly Stingray News!

Dates to Remember        
March 13 – Third Quarter Ends
March 14 –
Teacher Planning Day STUDENT HOLIDAY
March 17-21 – Spring Break STUDENT/TEACHER HOLIDAY
March 24 –
Classes Resume for Students
March 27 – Report Cards Issued

March 31 –  April 11
B.E.S.T. Writing Assessment

April 18 – Student/Teacher Holiday NO SCHOOL
April 23 – Interims Issued

May 1 – 29 – FAST Testing (Reading, Math & Science) 
May 26 – Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
May 30 –
Last Day of school; Early Release

Scheduling Update for 2025-2026  (Current 6th & 7th Graders)

Initial CORE course recommendations are live in HAC for families to see. Keep in mind that these are preliminary recommendations and placement can change depending on final grades and PM3 FAST scores. Families can request a course review for a CORE course placement at this time using the form at the link below.

Course Review Process:

  • Families can use the course review form to request changes to electives and core courses until the conclusion of the school year on May 30th.

  • Course reviews will take place after final grades and state testing scores are released in June

  • Decisions to change placement will follow the district course progression requirements.

  • Students and parents will be notified by July 1st if the course review was approved or denied.

To Locate Recommendations in HAC:

Log into HAC and click on the “Classes” button at the top.
Then, Click on the “Schedule” tab and scroll to the bottom to see the 2025-2026 Course Requests.


24-25 Parent Needs Assessment 
Please take a moment to complete our survey. Thank You!
The deadline is March 28th

Please click the link below or scan the QR Code
Gamble Rogers SAC Parent Needs Assessment
QR Code

Spring Fling Dance

PTO is sponsoring a dance on Friday, April 11th. Students will be eligible to attend if they can meet the following requirements between February 24th and April 11th.

                                                                                                                                              1) No more than 3 tardies

                                                                            2) No full days of ISS

                                                            3) No OSS

    25 – 26 Rising 6th Grade Registration Information 
Rising 6th grade Elective Courses at Gamble Rogers Middle School –  

Portrait of the AVID Elective

Consider joining AVID at Gamble Rogers Middle School!

What is AVID?  
AVID stands for “Advancement Via Individual Determination,” and is a curriculum-based class that will scheduled as an elective where students focus on organization, note taking, WICOR, and higher level questioning through the use of twice-weekly tutorials, direct instruction and hands-on learning experiences. (See the attachment and the handout below for more information about the class.)

AVID Process:

  • Applications must be filled out to be considered.
  • The deadline for the applications is due March 7th.
  • GRMS AVID team reviews applications.
  • Students will be interviewed by our AVID coordinators during the school day.
  • Final selections into the program will be communicated the week following spring break.

Middle School Elective Selections
The elective selection links have closed for the year. Please use the Course Review link to request an elective change until May 30th.

Course Review Link:

7th & 8th Grade here is the direct link to the elective video:

Course Review Link Closes for Elective Course Changes

 May 25, 2025

6th Grade Orientation with WEB

Tentative date:

August 4th , 2025

Schedules go live in HAC

District Date is TBD

Beaver Toyota Students of the Week
Congratulations to 8th grader Hannah Singletary and 7th grader Fischer Collins, next week’s Beaver Toyota Students of the Week. We are very proud to have each of them representing our school!

Don’t forget you may now
purchase a yearbook online for $40.

  GRMS code is 381879


February 19th – Parent Meeting @ 5:30PM at GRMS
March 24th & March 26th – Cheer Clinics @ 6:30pm – 8:30pm
March 29th – Cheer Evaluations Check-in @ 11:45am Begins @ 12:00pm
(Clinics & Evaluations held at SPARC Athletics – 94 Thomas Industry Way #103 St. Augustine, FL) 

New Food
Distribution Location

_________________ ~ ~ ~ _________________

4:00pm EVERY Thursday @ Gamble Rogers Middle School
Distribution will take place at the back of the school.
Follow the Signs

Sign Up for SchoolMessenger
This system allows schools and District staff to quickly and efficiently communicate both general and emergency messages to parents/guardians using email, text and voicemail.

If you are a SJCSD Parent/Guardian, please see the directions to Manage Your Contact Preferences in SchoolMessenger Info Center.

                          DO YOU KNOW OUR POLICIES

Thank you for your understanding and compliance as we work together for all students’ success!

To create the best learning path for all students. Students understand the value of being engaged in their education as goal-setting, college and career bound questioners, who recognize the value of all learning opportunities.


Please be aware of the following policies below that may affect your student at GRMS during 24-25 school year.
View the 24 – 25 GRMS Parent Information for bell schedule, introductions, etc.

Dress Code Policy
The dress and grooming of our students should contribute to the health and safety of the individual, promote a positive educational environment and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of the school. Gamble Rogers Middle School follows the school district’s dress code guidelines explained in the 24 – 25 Student Code of Conduct

Provisional Transportation Waiver

The St. Johns County School District Provisional Transportation Waiver Program (PTWP) extends transportation services to students assigned to district schools based on space availability and criteria.
Follow this link to access the required application form.

You can report Bullying and Harassment incidents in any of the following ways…

                              ♦ In person at the school
                              ♦ In writing to the school using this form
                              ♦ Online by using this link
                              ♦ By phone to the school
Or visit

GRMS will be a progressive school in which students are prepared to achieve at their highest level, preparing them for college and career, surrounded by an engaged community that is proud of its educational  accomplishments.

From The Front Office

Drop-Off Items

All items (clothes, shoes, monies, keys, books, etc.) Must Be In A Bag (except band instruments, homework and lunch boxes) labeled with the student’s name and grade.

Thank you for your help with this!

Early Check-Out

If you need to take your student out of school early, the latest time that he/she can be picked up is at 1:20PM (12:20PM on Wednesdays). Only parents, guardians, or other individuals identified on the student’s contact list, with appropriate identification, will be allowed to check-out the student.

Food Policy
Stingray families — Parents will not be permitted to drop off food from outside sources to their student during the school day. This includes all fast food/restaurant meals. 

School Clinic
If your child calls or texts you from their phone/watch and states they are not feeling well please request they see the nurse. From the clinic we can discuss next steps on your child’s return to class or pick up from the clinic.

Information Changes

It is imperative that parents call the school to change home phone numbers, cell numbers, work numbers and email addresses as soon as they are changed. In an emergency situation, it is difficult to contact parents when the information provided is not correct. Please contact Ms. Greve with changes.

Tdap immunization is required for all 7th graders

Proof of this immunization on the DH 680 form can be brought to the front office, faxed (904-547-8715), or emailed to Ms. Greve even if your student is still in 6th grade. Per district policy, all 7th grade students are required to submit an updated DH 680 form to include Tdap prior to the start of 7th grade. Failure to provide updated immunization records will delay your child’s start date. 

School District News

"Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future" Virtual Discussion on April 2

Please join us on April 2, 2025, from 6pm to 7:30pm for a virtual discussion titled "Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future: SafeTrak Program, CARD Safety Kits for Families, & Diamond of Dreams Initiative." This informative session is designed for parents of students with disabilities. Learn about key programs and resources aimed at enhancing safety and inclusion for your child.

Learn more about this event

Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future Flyer

FortifyFL App

FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or

Florida school districts are now required by the FLDOE to make a FortifyFL Training Presentation available to parents and guardians.

2024 - 2025 Valued Partners...Priceless

Find Out How YOU Can Become A Partner!

We truly appreciate your support and hope that our Stingray Families recognize your commitment to the school and community and support you and/or your businesses as well! Thank You!!!

School Access

This is just a reminder that anyone (parent, guardian, friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle) must have school access to attend an event at Gamble Rogers Middle School, have lunch with a student and/or attend an awards assembly. If you have not already done so, please complete the School Access Form. The process for approval may take up to 4 weeks, so please fill out the application sooner than later for any guests that would like to have school access. Once the application is approved, school access will be valid for three years.